Friday, 23 August 2013

Indian Youth and Politics

Two words, multiple and challenging, can describe Indian political system very well.

Facing innumerous problems it is on a complete downfall. A change is needed, its high time now. And the need of the hour is young Indians to step up and join politics and take India to a brighter road.

The field of politics is usually a perception that it is not so suitable for the educated ones but now this is completely opposite. Only when the well educated and trained youth with bright ideas will step up and take the development of the country in their own hands, the country would prosper. Its true ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY but constant work and dedication would surely bring the change. The presence of young minds would create a positive impact in the mindsets of people. In many areas, youth leadership is proving to be successful. If given an opportunity, the young minds are sensitive enough to relate to prevailing issues and concerns of people.

Since the start, our country has faced so many problems and the youth is now a victim of those which are still persisting. Persistent problems are looked over by the youth with a new and different perspective. New ways and means are needed to combat with the issues that are black shadows for our country and the solution is youth leadership with bright ideas, new focus, approach and aggression. We should advocate for peace and should also be preapred with defensive strategies to answer any threat it may anticipate.

Instead of sitting home criticising the system, why doesn't young India step up and *Be the change it wishes to see in the country.* There are plenty of issues that need to be sorted out, some old and some taking birth, which need to be sorted out for many generations to come and for many generations which have gone.

The past may not have been so vibrant and dynamic for our country which had to face many socio-political problems but now is the time for the change, now is the time for young India to come and step up and change the present scenario and then walk the country to a new tomorrow and Make India THE GOLDEN BIRD once again.


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